SHE's Here - An Ode To all things Beauty and Hair Related

My name is Sheena Scott, founder of SHE. First things First... Please allow me to thank you for taking the time out to visit us here on my new blog. Welcome to the family! To the SHE fam that has been fooling with the SHE brand since 2011, THANK YOU!! I'm so excited about finally stepping out to collaborate, connect and grow with each and every single one of you! Heres to the journey!
SHEBlogs is a comprehensive blog where we'll aim to bridge the gap between Black hair care, extensions and everything in-between. All while celebrating the versatility that women of color are fortunate enough to have. It'll be our little version of a lifestyle blog for all things hair plus a little bit of culture & inspiration from Her Inspirational Corner. This will be the premier spot to celebrate YOU and YOUR hair. We'll explore products with reviews and so much more.
Not only will we explore all things hair & beauty, we’ll tackle physical & mental health too. Because believe it or not, all of these things coexist & my experience as a beautician has taught me that stress, anxiety & depression can cause hair loss. Lack of proper nutrition can stunt our hair growth as well, which in most cases violates our self-esteem. It’s all apart of our crown. Let’s do our part in taking care of ourselves.
Whether you need information on what to ask your hairstylist, how to take care of your hair in between salon visits, ways to keep your hair moisturized or if you just want to stop by to find out what the trendiest hairstyles are, then our doors are always open! We’ve committed to delivering up to date and insightful information on all things hair, beauty, and inspiration.
Before I let you go, here's A little about me... I'm a proud wife and mom of 3 originally from El Dorado, Ar. I've been in the business of hair for well over 15 years now. Like most, I started off as a kitchen beautician. I did hair in the dorms and sold hair extensions on the side all while I worked a full-time job and attending college where I joined Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. After I graduated from college in 2011 with my bachelor's degree, I had become well known for selling my Indian Hair Extensions so I finally convinced myself to step out on faith and do what I truly loved full-time. I enrolled in Paul Mitchell and finished in one year. Here I am today, going to my dream job every single day - She, The Salon & Sheenas Hair Emporium where I specialize in Hair extensions and healthy hair.
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